How to use basic classes
Main class
var pb = new PlotBoilerplate({
canvas: document.getElementById("my-canvas"),
fullSize: true
var vertex = new Vertex(100, 200);
var vertA = new Vertex(100, 200);
var vertB = new Vertex(-200, -100);
var line = new Line(vertA, vertB);
var vertA = new Vertex(100, 200);
var vertB = new Vertex(-200, -100);
var vector = new Vector(vertA, vertB);
var vertA = new Vertex(-100, 34);
var vertB = new Vertex(100, 34);
var vertC = new Vertex(0, -34);
var triangle = new Triangle(vertA, vertB, vertC);
var center = new Vertex( 0, 0 );
var radius = 100.0;
var circle = new Circle( center, radius );
pb.add( circle );
// Create center vertex and radius (a non-negative number)
var center = new Vertex( 10, 10 );
var radius = 150;
// Create the circle
var circle = new Circle( center, radius );
// Now create a sector from the circle
var startAngle = 34 / 180 * Math.PI; // in radians
var endAngle = 330 / 180 * Math.PI;
var circleSector = new CircleSector( circle, startAngle, endAngle );
// Now add the sector to your canvas
pb.add( circleSector );
var center = new Vertex( 0, 0 );
var axis = new Vertex( 100.0, 50.0 );
var ellipse = new VEllipse( center, axis );
pb.add( ellipse );
// First create an ellipse to start with:
// center vertex, radius (a non-negative number) and rotation.
var center = new Vertex(10, 10);
var radiusH = 150.0;
var radiusV = 200.0;
var rotation = 0.0;
// Create the ellipse
var ellipse = new VEllipse(center, new Vertex(center.x + radiusH, center.y + radiusV), rotation);
// Now create a sector from the circle
var startAngle = (12 / 180) * Math.PI;
var endAngle = (89 / 180) * Math.PI;
var sector = new VEllipseSector(ellipse, startAngle, endAngle);
var start = new Vertex( -100, 0 );
var end = new Vertex( 100, 0 );
var startControl = new Vertex( -80, 100 );
var endControl = new Vertex( 80, 100 );
var curve = new CubicBezierCurve( start, end, startControl, endControl );
// Note: you can not add single curves. Create a path from the curve.
-no demo for this class. See BeziePath-
var pathPoints = [
[ new Vertex( -300, 0 ),
new Vertex( 0, 0 ),
new Vertex( -200, -200 ),
new Vertex( -100, -200 )
[ new Vertex( 0, 0 ),
new Vertex( 300, 0 ),
new Vertex( 100, 200 ),
new Vertex( 200, 200 )
var path = BezierPath.fromArray( pathPoints );
pb.add( path );
// Useful hint: if you want to keep your bezier paths smooth
// then you should set their point attributes to bezierAutoAdjust=true
path.bezierCurves[1].startPoint.attr.bezierAutoAdjust = true;
var imageSource = new Image(50,50);
var leftUpperCorner = new Vertex(-25,-25);
var rightLowerCorner = new Vertex(25,25);
var image = new PBImage( imageSource, leftUpperCorner, rightLowerCorner );
pb.add( image );
// You can load the source later
imageSource.addEventListener('load', function() { pb.redraw(); } );
// Note: Firefox does not scale SVGs properly at the moment, so better use pixel graphics
imageSource.src = 'example-image.png';