
  • 2024-05-19
    • Finalizing the Metaballs demo (demo 52).
    • Adding circle sector helpers and elipse sector helpers to the default demo.
  • 2024-03-10
    • Upgraded to Typescript 5.
    • Fixed 35 minor type issues in some classes to obtain Typescript 5 compatibility.
    • Fixed some issues in the CircleHandler.destroy method; listeners were not properly removed.
    • Adding the CircleSectorHandler.destory method for properly removing installed listeners.
  • 2024-03-09
    • Added the CircleSector.circleSectorIntersection method to find coherent sector intersections.
    • Added the CircleSector.angleAt method to determine any angle at some ratio.
  • 2024-03-08
    • Added the optional precision param to the Vertex.toString method.
    • Added the CircleSector.containsAngle method.
    • Adding the demo 53 (circle sector intersections). Sector intersections are required for the metaballs demo.
  • 2024-03-01
    • Refactoring the current metaballs calculation to a Typescript class.
    • Added the CircleSector.getStartPoint and CircleSector.getEndPoint methods.
  • 2024-02-26
    • CircleHelper: Removed the constructor param pb (unused).
    • CircleHelper: Added circle and radiusPoint attributes.
    • CircleHelper: Added the destroy method.
  • 2024-02-23
    • Fixed some minor null-type conflicts in the CircleIntersections algorithms.
  • 2024-02-09
    • Demo 25 Multiple Circle Sections: replacing the canvas/svg specific draw functions for arc by the new generic draw lib method.
  • 2024-02-07
    • Added the src/ts/utils/algorithms/arrayResize utility function.
  • 2024-02-06
    • Finilaizing the demo: polygons with round edges.
    • Adding new demo 52: metaballs 2d.
  • 2024-01-30
    • Added a missing type in the drawutilssvg.describeSVGArc function.
    • Fixing an issue with drawutilssvg immutable style sets; changes to the global draw config did not reflect here (do now).
  • 2024-01-29
    • Adding new demo 50-reuleaux-polygons.
    • Refactoring the NGons helper and porting it to Typescript.
    • Updating the demo 49-polygon-inside-polygon with the new NGons path.
  • 2024-01-28 [v1.22.1]
    • Finalizing a first usable version of the contour plot calculation.
  • 2023-11-27
    • Added the GenericPath.getAllStartEndPoints() function.
  • 2023-11-24
    • Added the `Polygon.containsPolygon(Polygon)’ function.
    • Added a new demo 49 for testing the polygon.containsPolygon function and some ngon generation fun.
    • Changed a but in the demo-build-ts script (meta).
  • 2023-11-04
    • Adding a new interface for read matrix like data: utils/datastructures/DataGrid2d.
    • Adding an implementation for this working on linear arrays (like buffer or THREE vertex arrays): DataGrid2dListAdapter.
    • Refatoring the contour calculation to a new class: utils/algorithms/ContourLineDetection.
  • 2023-10-28
    • Added a new demo for calculating contour plots.
    • Added the utils/Params class for retrieving URL params by their proper type.
    • Added/Refactored helper function utils/clearDuplicateVertices.
  • 2023-10-07 [v1.21.0]
    • Adding the BezierPath.fromCurve(CubicBezierCurve) static function.
    • Adding the extended demo: Trimming Bézier curves.
    • Adding the CubicBezierCurve.trimEnd(number), trimEndAt(number), trimStart(number), trimStartAt(number) methods.
  • 2023-10-06
    • Adding the BezierPath.toPathPoints() method.
  • 2023-10-04
    • Also adding the param strokeOptions to the default drawutilssvg library.
  • 2023-09-30
    • Added the function CubicbezierCurve.getSubCurve(number,number) – similar to getSubCurveAt(...) but with absolute position parameters.
    • Adding DrawLib.strokeOptions param to these draw function: line, arrow, cubicBezierArrow, cubicBezier, cubicBezierPath, circle, circleArc, ellipse, square, rect, polygon, polyline.
    • Also adding the param strokeOptions to the default draw library.
  • 2023-09-29
    • (createGUI utils) Added try-catch for color attributes; invalid values might break construction of whole gui.
    • Fixed a calculation error in the VertTuple.hasPoint() function; distance measure was broken!
    • Downgraded types for the Vertex.utils.buildArrowHead function (replacing Vertex params by more generic XYCoords type).
    • Added initialization checks for null parameters in drawutilsvg constructor.
    • Added a missing implementation to the,string) function. Didn’t draw anything.
    • (DrawLib interface, draw, drawgl and drawutilssvg class) Downgrading all Vertex param type to the more generic XYCoords type in these render functions: line, arrow, texturedPoly, cubicBezier, cubicBezierPath, handle, handleLine, dot, point, circle, circleArc, ellipse, grid, raster.
    • Adding proper dicionary key and value types to the params of PlotBoilerplate.utils.safeMergeByKeys (was object before).
    • Chaning param types in Vector.utils.buildArrowHead() from Vertex to the more generic XYCoords.
    • Added the headLength parameter to the ‘DrawLib.arrow()` function.
    • Added the arrowHead(...) function to the ‘DrawLib.arrow()` interface.
    • Added the cubicBezierArrow(...) function to the ‘DrawLib.arrow()` interface.
    • Added the randomPoint(...) function declaration to the IBounds interface.
    • Added the Bounds.randomPoint(...) method.
    • Added the Vertex.abs() method as it seems useful.
  • 2023-09-25
    • Added the Polygon.getInterpolationPolygon(number) function.
    • Added the detectDarkMode helper function.
    • Adding the demo 47-closest-vector-projection-on-polygon.
    • Changed param type of Line.intersection() from Line to VertTuple.
    • Added Polyon.lineIntersections(VertTuple) function.
    • Added the Polygon.closestLineIntersection(Line,boolean) function.
  • 2023-03-06
    • Finalizing the audio demo (demo-46).
  • 2023-02-10
    • Fixing an issue of the style.position setting when fitToParent=true from absolute to static (default).
    • All non-function attributes of the Config interface are now mandatory.
    • The methods DrawLib.setCurrentClassName and DrawLib.setCurrentId also accept null now.
    • Cleaning up most type errors in the main class (mostly null checks).
    • Adding enableZoom and enablePan (both default true) to have the option to disable these functions.
  • 2023-02-04
    • Fixed a bug in the PlotBoilerplate.drawDrawable function; fill’s current classname was not set.
    • drawutilssvg: Fixed a typo in the CSS classname for cubic Bézier paths: cubicBezier (was cubierBezier).
  • 2023-01-23
    • Added Color.set(Color) function to set all values (r,g,b,h,s,l,a) simultanoeusly.
  • 2023-01-17 (v1.20.1)
    • 2023-01-17 Tweaking the demo extended-elliptic-conversion: adding large-arc-flag and sweep-flag.
    • Extending the parseSVGPathData and splitSVGPathData functions: basic path commands accepting additional sets of params now (ARC-command still missing).
  • 2023-01-03 (v1.20.0)
    • Adding SVG processing to the FileDrop class.
    • Adding SVG import to the svg-path-import demo.
  • 2022-12-21 (winter solstice)
    • Porting the yet experimental SVG path data parser to Typescript (early 0.0.1-alpha).
    • Defining very basic SVG path command types for parsing (early 0.0.1-alpha).
  • 2022-12-13
    • Modified the Truchet demo so single cells can be edited.
  • 2022-11-28
    • Added the subXY, subX and subY methods to the Vertex class.
    • Added the clone method to the Bounds class.
  • 2022-11-23
    • Added drawRaster to the Config interface.
  • 2022-11-10
    • Fixing an export bug: VEllipseSector was missing in the CJS and ESM exports.
  • 2022-11-06 (v1.19.0)
    • Adding an XML declaration to the SVG export routine.
    • Added the CairoTileBuilder to the Truchet demo 44.
  • 2022-10-25
    • Added origin param to the DrawConfig interface.
    • Added the extended-vector-orthogonal demo.
    • Added Vector.getOrthogonal method.
    • Added origin to PlotBoilerplate’s default draw config.
  • 2022-10-17
    • The CubicBezierCurve class now implements the new PathSegment interface.
    • Adding the algorithms/detectPaths function.
    • Changing the return type of GirihTile.transformTilePositionToAdjacency from Polygonto Polygon | null.
    • Adding these methods from the PathSegment interface to the Line class: getStartPoint, getEndPoint, reverse.
  • 2022-10-07
    • Adding the 44-truchet-tiles demo.
    • Adding the algorithms/arrayShuffle function.
  • 2022-10-09 (v1.18.0)
    • Added the Bounds.fromDimension function.
    • Changed the actual return value of the Line.intersection function to null (was undefined before).
    • Added the utils/shuffleArray.ts helper utils function.
  • 2022-09-11
    • Added the extended circle-line-intersection demo (because I am stupid and need visual confirmation).
  • 2022-08-23
    • Added the Circle.lineIntersection(Vertex,Vertex) function.
    • Added the Circle.closestPoint(XYCoords) function.
    • Fixed a type issue in the draw.polyline function.
    • Fixed a type issue in the draw.setConfiguration function.
    • Fixed a type issue in the draw.path function.
  • 2022-08-16
    • MouseHandler: Fixed a bug in the mouse button detection.
  • 2022-08-15
    • Added the Circle.containsPoint(XYCoords) function.
  • 2022-08-01
    • Added title param to the PBParams interface.
  • 2022-07-26
    • Adding alpha to the draw.image(...) function.
  • 2022-06-02
    • Adding the demo 42 (Hick’s Hexagons).
  • 2022-06-01
    • Tweaked the draw.polyline function; lineWidth now scales with scale.x.
  • 2022-05-11
  • Adding new demo: raindrops.
  • 2022-05-11
    • Modified the Color.clone function by just copying the numeric calues, not re-calculating the whole color.
    • Fixed the Color.interpolate function.
  • 2022-03-27
    • Added the texturedPoly function to the DrawLib interface.
    • Added the texturedPoly function to the drawutils and drawutilssvg class.
  • 2022-03-25
    • Added the Bounds.toString() function.
    • Added the private nodeDefs and bufferedNodeDefs attributes.
    • Added the texturedPoly function to draw textures polygons.
    • Added a demo (demo 40) for showing the way the new texturePoly function is working and to be used.
  • 2022-03-08
    • Added the Polygon.clone() function.
  • 2022-02-25
    • Extended the Girih demo: can upload files now per file select.
    • Extended the Gihih demo: can upload files now per file drop.
    • Added globalThis.util.guiFolders to gain quick access to the dat.gui folders created by the app (src/cjs/utils/createGui.js).
    • Added a new darkmode detection (already used in the ngdg project) to to demos.
  • 2022-02-04 (breaking change)
    • Removed the toSVGString function from all drawables. They were no use any more, as drawutilssvg is doing their task, and they turned out to be just code overhead. THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE.
    • Upgraded demo 26-girih: removed SVGBuilder and added proper SVG drawing for preview tiles.
    • Fixed the SVG export in the Girih demo (nothing was rendered/exported at all, just an empty canvas).
  • 2022-02-03
    • Added the DrawLib.cross(...) function.
    • Added the draw.cross(...) function.
    • Added the drawgl.cross(...) function.
    • Added the drawutilssvg.cross(...) function.
    • Added the optional lineWidth param to the DrawLib.crosshair function (and thus to the classes draw, drawgl and drawutilssvg)- Changing the element to catch events (eventCatcher instead of canvas) in the BezierPathInteractionHelper (did not interact on SVGs so far).
  • 2022-02-02 [v1.16.0]
    • Added the BezierPath.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the Circle.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the CirclSector.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the CubicBezierCurve.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the KeyHandler.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the Line.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the MouseHandler.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the PBImage.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the PBText.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the Polygon.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the Triangle.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the Vector.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the VEllipse.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the VEllipseSector.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the Vertex.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the VertTuple.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Added the Vertex.destroy method for releasing all installed event listeners.
    • Removed the function body of toSVGString from all relevant drawable classes (deprecation). Use drawutilssvg instead.
  • 2022-01-31
    • Added Vertex.utils.arrayToJSON.
    • Added BezierPath.getEvenDistributionVertices(number).
    • Added the extende-vertices demo.
    • Added src/ts/io/FileDrop.ts.
  • 2022-01-10
    • Added utility function findInVertexArray.
  • 2021-12-17
    • Added the functions Vertex.lerp and Vertex.lerpAbs for linear interpolations.
  • 2021-12-16
    • Added the Polygon.getEvenDistributionPolygon() function.
  • 2021-12-14
    • Added the Polygon.perimeter() function.
  • 2021-12-01
    • Changed the type of param of BezierPath.scale to XYCoords.
    • Added function BezierPath.scaleXY for non uniform scaling.
    • Changed the type of param of Vertex.scale to XYCoords.
    • Added function Vertex.scaleXY for non uniform scaling.
  • 2021-11-24
    • Speeding up the demo page with async script execution.
    • Finalizing the demo page for the new PBText element (note: it has this name because Text already exists).
  • 2021-11-19
    • Fixing the drawutilssvg.label(text,x,y) position.
    • Added the color param to the label(...) function.
  • 2021-11-16
    • Added text options to the DrawConfig interface.
    • Added the PBText class.
  • 2021-11-15
    • Adding more parameters tot the drawutilssvg.text() function: fontSize, textAlign, fontFamily, lineHeight.
  • 2021-11-12
    • Adding more parameters tot the draw.text() function: fontSize, textAlign, fontFamily, lineHeight.
  • 2021-11.07
    • Changed the behavior of darken and lighten: the passed value is handled relative now which makes values much easier predictable and makes the change feel more ‘natural’.
    • Added tests for the Color class. There were some strange things happening the the ligthen and darken function.
    • Did the same with saturate and desaturate.
    • Did the same with the fadein and fadeout functions.
    • Added setR, setG, setB, setH, setS, setL functions to the Color class.
  • 2021-11-05
    • Fixing the regex in the Color.parse() function for parsing rgba-strings.
  • 2021-10-12
    • Added DrawConfig.bezier.pathVertex and DrawConfig.bezier.controlVertex attributes, both DrawSettigs.
    • Added optional fill:boolean to DrawSettings. This is useful to give more control over the rendering of Bézier paths.
    • Fixed a tiny init order error in the Bézier demo.
  • 2021-10-05
    • Adding drawutilssvg.addCustomStyleDefs.
    • Changing classname precedence in drawutilssvg: object classname first, then curClassName. by this curClassName can override the default behavior.
  • 2021-10-04
    • Adding the DrawLib.rect function to the interface.
    • Adding a new demo: 36-lightning-algorithm.
    • Changing param position of the draw, drawsvg and drawgl library from Vertex to XYCoords.
    • Adding drawutilssvg.rect function.
    • Adding drawutilsgl.rect function.
    • Adding config check to drawutilssvg.addStyleDefs (printing warnings if incomplete).
  • 2021-06-21 (mid-sommer)
    • Added Bounds.getCenter method.
    • Added IBounds.getCenter.
  • 2021-05-31
    • Added the DrawLib.setConfiguration function`.
    • Added the drawutils.setConfiguration function from DrawLib.
    • Added the drawutilssvg.setConfiguration function from DrawLib.
    • Splitted up the interfaces.ts into several smaller files.
  • 2021-05-25
    • Added BezierPath.fromReducedList( Array).
  • 2021-05-21
    • Ported gup (get-URI-params) to typescript.
  • 2021-05-04
    • Added Matrix4x4 datastructure for 3d transformations.
  • 2021-04-25
    • Extended PlotBoilerplate.remove to accept arrays of drawables.
    • Added the polynomial-interpolation demo.
  • 2021-03-30
    • Added DrawLib.endDrawCycle(renderTime).
    • Added buffering to the SVG drawing library drawutilssvg (this avoids flickering on redraws).
  • 2021-03-29
    • Fixed a bug in the drawutilssvg.text function (second y param was wrong, used x here).
    • Clearing currentClassName and currentId after drawing each drawable.
    • Added the draw and fill params to the preDraw and postDraw functions (required for full svg export support).
  • 2021-03-26 [v1.12.1]
    • Published version 1.12.1
  • 2021-03-24
    • Added the VEllipseSectorHelper class.
  • 2021-03-19
    • Added the VEllipse.rotate function.
    • Preparing a conversion function in the the draw-path demo: SVG-Arc to VEllipseSector.
    • Fixed the entry/export for the UIDGenerator (was broken in cjs module).
  • 2021-03-15
    • Added VEllipse.quarterSegmentCount and VEllipse.scale functions.
  • 2021-03-09
    • Added the VEllipse.toCubicBezier method.
  • 2021-03-09
    • Added the VEllipse.clone and VEllipse.rotate methods.
  • 2021-03-05
    • Added the VEllipse.getFoci, .normalAt and .tangentAt methods.
  • 2021-03-03
    • Added the VEllipse.vertAt and VEllipse.perimeter functions.
  • 2021-03-01
    • Added geomutils.wrapMax function.
    • Added attribute VEllipse.rotation to allow rotation of ellipses.
    • Added the rotation param to the DrawLib.ellipse(…) function.
    • Changed the second param center in the rotate function from Vertex to XYCoords.
    • Fixed a bug in the drawsvgutils.clear function (curClassName was not cleared).
    • Updated the PlotBoilerplate.draw(...) function: ellipses are now rotate-able.
  • 2021-02-26
    • Adding first typescript implementation of VEllipseSector class.
    • Added helper function VEllipseSector.ellipseSectorUtils.decribeSVGArc(...).
    • Fixed an error in the CircleSector’s svg-arc-calculation (case angle<90deg and anti-clockwise).
  • 2021-02-14
    • Added first test implementation of VEllipseSector (plus basic demo for testing).
    • Added functions VEllipse.radiusH and VEllipse.radiusV.
  • 2021-02-23 [v1.12.0]
    • One step closer to use with React.
  • 2021-02-22
    • Added the static helper function drawutilssvg.copyPathData(...).
    • Added the DrawLib.path drawing function to draw SVG path data (canvas-draw, svg-draw [, gl-draw]).
  • 2021-02-19
    • Added the static helper function drawutilssvg.transformPathData(...) for svg path transformations (scale and translate).
  • 2021-02-18
    • Adding PlotBoilerplate.adjustOffset(boolean) function.
  • 2021-02-08
    • Added a rollup- and a typescript config to create es2015 modules (in ./src/es2015).
    • Changed the PBParams interface: no longer sub-interface of DrawConfig (all those attributes were un-used).
    • Ensure es2015 module compatibility of the Color class.
  • 2021-02-03
    • Added the static drawusilssvg.createSvg function.
    • Fixed the currentId=’background’ bug on the drawusilssvg.clear() function.
    • Fixed CSSProperty stroke-width in drawusilssvg (was line-width before, which is wrong).
    • Added the static drawusilssvg.HEAD_XML attribute.
  • 2021-02-02
    • Added the Bounds.toPolygon method.
  • 2021-01-29
    • Added the Polygon.signedArea function (was global function in the demos before).
    • Added the Polygon.isClockwise function.
    • Added the Polygon.area function.
    • Changed the param type for containsVert from Vertex to XYCoords.
    • Added an implementation of the Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm.
  • 2021-01-27 [v1.11.0]
    • Added the new svg renderer as integrated helper.
  • 2021-01-26
    • CircleSectorHelper: Moving control points with center points.
    • PlotBoilerplate class: Replaced the old SVGBuilder by the new drawutilssvg library.
  • 2021-01-25
    • Added the DrawLib.setCurrentId and DrawLib.setCurrentClassName functions.
    • Fixed the PBParams interface (inluding DrawConfig).
  • 2021-01-24
    • Added DrawLib.setCurrentId function.
  • 2021-01-22
    • Triangle: Always updating circumcircle when retieving it.
    • Removed pb.redraw() call from CircleHelper update handlers (changed vertices already triggered redraw).
    • Added the CircleSectorHelpler class.
    • Added the Vertex.angle function to determine ‘angle’ of the vertex relative to an origin.
  • 2021-01-20
    • Added UID interface.
    • Added UIDGenerator abstract class.
    • Added uids to all Drawables.
  • 2021-01-10
    • Added the PlotBoilerplate.eventCatcher to simplify event listening event on complex structures like SVG documents.
  • 2021-01-08
    • Added the customizable PlotBoilerplate.drawAll(...) function.
  • 2021-01-08
    • PlotBoilerplate main class: Added param draw:DraLib<void> to the methods drawVertices, drawGrid and drawSelectPolygon.
    • Adding the svg-draw library (testing) in utils/helpers/.
    • Added the customizable PlotBoilerplate.drawAll(...) function.
  • 2021-01-05
    • Added the image-loaded/broken check.
    • Exposing the drawDrawables method as a static utility function (for further use).
  • 2021-01-04
    • Avoiding multiple redraw call on adding multiple Drawables (array).
  • 2021-01-03
    • Changed property in BezierPathInteractionHelper to autoAdjustPaths in the HandlerOptions interface (typo).
    • Added following new functions to BezierPathInteractionHelper: addPathVertexDragStartListeners, removePathVertexDragStartListeners, addPathVertexDragEndListeners and removePathVertexDragEndListeners.
  • 2020-12-29
    • Constructor BezierPath is now private (not explicit use intended).
  • 2020-12-28
    • Added the Triangle.getArea function.
    • Added the Triangle.utils.signedArea helper function.
  • 2020-12-17
    • Added the CircleSector drawable (class).
    • Added the SVGPathParams type.
    • Extended the main class PlotBoilerplate for circle sector rendering.
    • Extended the SVGBuilder for circle sector rendering.
  • 2020-12-11 [v1.10.0]
    • Added the PlotBoilerplate.removeAll(boolean) function.
  • 2020-12-09
    • Ported function findPolygonSelfIntersections to Typescript (added to utils/algorithms/).
  • 2020-12-08
    • Adding a new demo (27) for presenting polygon clipping and polygon triangulation.
  • 2020-12-04
    • The Line.intersection function returns undefined if both lines are parallel.
    • Changed VertTuple.vtutils.dist2 params from Vertex to XYCoords (generalized).
    • Changed VertTuple.getClosestT param from Vertex to XYCoords (generalized).
    • Added the VertTuple.hasPoint(XYCoords) function.
  • 2020-11-25
    • Added the isTouchEvent param to the XMouseEvent params.
  • 2020-11-19
    • Set min, max, width and height to private.
  • 2020-11-17
    • Added the handler.
    • Added pure click handling (no dragEnd and !wasMoved jiggliny any more) to the PlotBoilerplate.
  • 2020-11-11
    • Generalized move(Vertex) to move(XYCoords) in the Polygon class.
    • Generalized the VertTuple.add and VertTuple.sub param from Vertex to XYCoords.
    • Girih-demo: ported the GirihTile class from vanilla JS to TypeScript.
  • 2020-11-10
    • Added the Polygon.getBounds() function.
  • 2020-11-06
    • Added the Polygon.move(XYCoords) function.
  • 2020-11-04
    • Changed window to globalThis.
  • 2020-11-01
    • Migrated the build tools from Webpack-4 to Webpack-5.
    • Moved the build scripts to ./bin.
  • 2020-10-31
    • Including utils in the docs now.
    • Added thet Polygon.getVertexAt function.
  • 2020-10-30
    • Added the static Bounds.computeFromVertices(Vertex[]) function.
    • Added the Polygon.addVert function.
  • 2020-10-23
    • Added the fillArray and fillMatrix helper function (like in lodash).
    • Added the Matrix, Interval and IndexPair interfaces to the typescript definitions.
    • Ported the Color library from vanilla JS to Typescript.
    • Ported the WebColors selection from vanilla to TypeScript.
  • 2020-10-19
    • Added CircleIntersections algorithm and demo 25.
  • 2020-10-18
    • Added CircularIntervalset datastructure.
  • 2020-10-16
    • Added the Circle.containsCircle(…) function.
  • 2020-10-15
    • Re-added the draw.text() function.
  • 2020-10-06
    • Removed the .closePath() instruction from the draw.circleArc function.
  • 2020-09-07
    • Added the Circle.circleIntersection(Circle) function.
    • Changed the vertAt function by switching sin and cos! The old version did not return the correct vertex (by angle) according to the assumed circle math. Please re-check your code if you already used this function.
    • Added the drawutils.circleArc(…) function to draw sections of circles.
  • 2020-08-19
    • Ported the HobbyPath class from vanilla JS to TypeScript.
    • Ported the CatmullRomPath class from vanilla JS to TypeScript.
    • Ported the CubicSplinePath class from vanilla JS to TypeScript.
    • Added the VertexAttr.visible attribute to toggle on/off the rendering of particular vertices.
    • Added the VertexAnimator.Sinoid to the demos (see Hobby Curve).
  • 2020-08-17
    • Ported the convexHull algorithm to TypeScript.
    • Ported the convexPolygonIncircle algorithm to TypeScript.
    • Ported the Delaunay algorithm to TypeScript.
  • 2020-08-12
    • BezierPathInteractionHelper: Added a distance check before handling the click/tap event.
    • Ported the VoronoiCell helper class (see demos) from vanilla JS to TypeScript.
  • 2020-08-03 (1.8.3)
    • Tweaked the BezierPathInteractionHelper.
    • Added proper JSDoc tags to the MouseHandler and the KeyHandler.
  • 2020-07-31
    • Added PlotBoilerplate.getDraggedElementCount().
  • 2020-07-28
    • Added PlotBoilerplate.revertMousePosition(number,number) – the inverse function of transformMousePosition(…).
    • Added Bézier curve splitting to the bezier-point-distance demo.
    • KeyHandler: changed the ‘delete’ key code from 8 to 46.
  • 2020-07-27
    • Added the getVertexNear(XYCoords,number) function.
    • Extended the remove(Drawable) function: vertices are now removed, too.
  • 2020-07-24 (1.8.2)
    • Fixed an error in the touch handlers ‘tap start’ function (nullpointerexception if empty area was tapped).
    • Added CubicBezierPath.getClosestT(Vertex) function.
    • Added BezierPath.getClosestT(Vertex) function.
  • 2020-07-22
    • Fixed missing dragStart and dragEnd events in touch mode (after switching from Touchy to AlloyFinger).
  • 2020-07-21
    • Changed the safeMargeByKeys function: all keys, from source and destination, will be used now.
    • Changed the fetch.bool and fetch.number function: they will try a JSON.parse now on type mismatch (and use the fallback on failure of that).
  • 2020-07-15
    • Included the Bounds class into the bundle.
    • Added the PlotBoilerplate.fitToBounds(Bounds) function to make zooming onto particular areas easier.
  • 2020-07-14
    • Changed the CubicBezierCurve.moveCurvePoint(…,Vertex) to moveCurvePoint(…,XYCoords), which is more generic.
    • Changed the BezierPath.moveCurvePoint(…,Vertex) to moveCurvePoint(…,XYCoords), which is more generic.
    • Added the autoDetectRetina param to PlotBoilerplate.
  • 2020-07-06
    • Added AlloyFinger support (will replace Touchy.js).
    • Following new touch actions are now possible: panning (two fingers), zoominng (two fingers).
  • 2020-07-03
    • Fixed the selectedVerticesOnPolyon(Polygon) function: non-selectable vertices were selected too, before.
    • Added the CubicBezierPath.getBounds() function.
    • BezierPath: Made the private helper functions _locateUIndex, adjustPredecessorControlPoint, adjustSuccessorControlPoint to a private function.
    • Added the BezierPath.getBounds() function.
    • Added draw.rect(Vertex,number,number) function.
  • 2020-07-01 (1.8.1)
    • Tweaked the pattern gradient demo (rotation and scale).
    • Prepared a new demo: with THREE.js.
    • Changed the scope of BezierPath.fromJSON (is now static, was an instance method before).
  • 2020-06-22 (1.8.0)
    • Added the rasterScaleX and rasterScaleY config params.
    • Added a context.clearRect() call to the clear() function; clearing with alpha channel did not work as expected.
  • 2020-06-09
    • Defined new private interface IDraggable and move the Draggable class into the main class.
    • Refactored the JSDoc layout template for larger screens.
    • Fixed the problem of undocumented main class (no docs in HTML were generated).
  • 2020-05-26 (pap’s 74s birthday)
    • Added functions Vertex.addX(number) and Vertex.addY(number).
  • 2020-05-25
    • Added the Circle.vertAt and the Circle.tangentAt functions.
    • Added the basics for the gradient-pattern demo.
  • 2020-05-20
    • Created a script for the minmal npm package.
  • 2020-05-18
    • Added the Triangle.getIncenter() function.
    • Added VoronoiCell.toPolygon() in the demos.
    • Added proper JSDoc tags to the VoronoiCell class.
  • 2020-05-15 (v1.7.8)
    • Moved the bezier-autoadjust handling to a private helper function. Fixed the auto-update of last control point.
  • 2020-05-12 (v1.7.7)
    • The VertTuple.angle(line) param was still not optional. Changed that.
    • Added the geomutils helper. First helper function: nsectAngle. (moved this from the demos).
    • Added Triangle.getIncircularTriangle().
    • Added Triangle.getIncircle().
    • Changed the license vom CC-BY-4.0 to MIT.
  • 2020-05-12 (v1.7.6)
    • Fixed the annoying [Ctrl]-pressed bug; the reason was the missing key-up evend after [Ctrl]+[t]. This was browser-specific.
    • Drawing any handles (square, circle, diamond) with lineWidth 1 now; this was not reset before.
  • 2020-05-11 (v1.7.5)
    • PlotBoilerplat.viewport() now return a proper Bounds instance.
    • Added new class Bounds (implementing IBounds and XYDimension).
    • Renamed interface Bounds to IBounds.
    • Fixed a bug in the Triangle.getCircumcircle function (center was not cloned).
    • Updated all demos with the new Circle class.
    • Removed the BezierPath._roundToDigits helper function. Using Number.toFixed instead.
    • Added proper JSDoc class specifications to Bounds, Triangle and Circle.
  • 2020-05-09 (v1.7.4)
    • Included the Circle class from the demos into the plot-boilerlplate core repertoire.
  • 2020-05-05
    • Added the ‘lineWidth’ param to the circle(…) function.
    • Finished the circle-in-convex-polygog demo.
  • 2020-05-04
    • Added a stub for the circle-in-convex-polygon demo.
    • Fixed a serious bug in the VertTuple.pointDistance function.
    • Refactored the VertTuple class a bit. Added missing JSDoc tags.
    • Added the VertTuple.getClosestPoint(Vertex) function.
  • 2020-04-27
    • Added the Urquhart graph demo.
  • 2020-04-08
    • Fixed the MouseHandler’s click event (internally fired a ‘mouseup’ event).
    • The new version always installs internal listenrs to track drag events even if there is no external drag listener installed (1.1.0).
  • 2020-04-07 (v1.7.1)
    • Fixed an error in the draw.grid(…) function. Non-rastered grids were not properly drawn on zoom and pan comibinations.
  • 2020-04-06
    • Fixed the radius error in the drawutils.circleHandle function. The radius parameter had no effect and circle handles were always rendered with radius 3.
  • 2020-04-03 (v1.7.0)
    • Fixed broken SVG export (after porting to TS).
    • Fixed broken canvas resizer (after porting to TS).
  • 2020-04-01
    • Refactored Jekyll config to work with the new paths (post Typescript migration).
    • Refactored the demos to work with the new paths (post Typescript migration).
  • 2020-03-31
    • Reconfigured the typescript compiler for es5.
    • Reconfigured webpack.
    • Tweaked the main demo for some moved files.
  • 2020-03-30
    • Ported the main class of PlotBoilerplate to Typescript.
    • Moved the RectSelector from the main class to the demo section.
    • Added a utils wrapper that intializes the GUI (dat.gui.GUI).
    • Updated the logistic-map demo.
  • 2020-03-28
    • Ported following classes to Typescript: KeyHandler.
  • 2020-03-25
    • Ported following classes to Typescript: drawutils, drawutilsgl, Grid, VEllipse, Triangle, SVGBuilder, MouseHandler.
  • 2020-03-24
  • Ported following classes to Typescript: CubicBezierCurve, BezierPath, Polygon, gup.
  • Added VertTuple to solve the subclassing and clonable problem.
  • 2020-03-23
    • Ported following classes to Typescript: Vertex, Line, VertexAttr, VertexListeners.
  • 2020-03-17
    • Added the Triangle.toPolygon() function.
    • Added proper JSDoc tags to the Triangle class.
    • Added a new demo: ported the Morley-Triangle visualization (from an older project).
    • Fixed an issue in the safeMergeKeys function (‘funcion’ type was flawed).
  • 2020-03-16
    • Added Triangle.fromArray(Array) function.
    • The Line.angle(Line) parameter is now optional. The baseline (x-axis) will be used if not defined.
  • 2020-02-29
    • Added the VertexAttr.selectable attribute.
  • 2020-02-22
    • Added ‘return this’ to VertexListeners addDragListener, addDragStartListener, addDragEnd functions (for chanining).
  • 2020-02-11
    • Added ‘return this’ to the BezierPath.scale(Vertex,number) and to the .translace(Vertex) functions.
  • 2020-02-10
    • Added the CubixBezierCurve.reverse() function.
    • Fixed the CubicbezierCurve.translate(Vector) function (returning ‘this’ was missing).
  • 2020-02-09
    • Added the BezierPath.getSubPathAt(number,number) function.
  • 2020-02-08
    • Added the CubicBezierCurve isInstance(any) function.
  • 2020-02-07
    • Added function BezierPath.locateCurveByEndPoint( Vertex ).
    • Added handling for the end- and end-control-points of non-cirular Bézier paths (was still missing).
    • Added functions Vertex.invX() and Vertex.invY().
    • Added the CubicBezierCurve.getSubCurveAt(number,number) function.
    • Fixed a drag-amount bug in the move handling of end points of Bezier paths (control points was not properly moved when non circular).
    • Fixed a serious bug in the arc lenght calculation (length was never reset, urgh).
  • 2020-01-13
    • Added a ‘CanvasPointList’ to the demos to make point count managing easier.
  • 2020-01-09
    • Added the ‘lineWidth’ param to the draw.ellipse(…) function.
    • Fixed a bug in the Color.parse(string) function. Hex color with three elements were consideres faulty.
    • Added a getContrastColor(color) helper function to the demo directory. This requires a color object, not a string!
  • 2019-12-20
    • Added the ‘lineWidth’ param to the draw.polyline(…) function.
  • 2019-12-18
    • Added the draw.quadraticBezier(…) function (for the sake of approximating Lissajous curves).
  • 2019-12-15
    • Added the Line.moveTo(Vertex) fucnction.
  • 2019-12-11
    • Added the ‘color’ param to the draw.label(…) function.
    • Fixed the draggable-intersection-point issue in the line-point-distance demo.
    • Added a working bark-beetle-tunnel demo to the line-point-distance demo. There was an odering problem.
  • 2019-12-09
    • Fixed the Triangle.determinant() function. The calculation was just wrong.
    • Removed an unnecesary if-condition from the VoronoiCell._calculateOpenEdgePoint(…) helper function.
    • Extended the line-point-distance demo with some toy features.
  • 2019-12-08 (1.6.3)
    • Fixed a css scale bug in the viewport() function.
    • Added the drawconfig UI panel (line colors and line widths).
  • 2019-12-07
    • Added a fallback CSS raster (inline PNG).
    • Added the drawConfig for lines, polygons, ellipse, triangles, bezier curves and image control lines.
    • Added a new demo for bezier spline interpolation.
  • 2019-12-04 (1.6.0)
    • Added relative positioned zooming.
    • Added offsetX and offsetY params.
    • Added an ‘Set to fullsize retina’ button to the GUI config.
    • Added the Vector.inv() function.
  • 2019-12-03
    • Fixed a bug in the Bézier perpenicular demo (arc length were not updated after changes or before redraw).
  • 2019-12-02 (1.5.1)
    • Fixed the CubicBezierCurve.updateArcLength function. It used the wrong pointAt function.
    • Added the Bézier perpendicular demo (11).
    • Added the demo for simple tween animations (using GSAP).
  • 2019-11-22
    • Added the Polygon.rotate(number,Vertex) function.
    • Fixed a bug in Vertex.rotate(…).
    • Added a second workaround for th drawImage bug in Safari.
    • Added a GSAP/TweenMax animation example.
  • 2019-11-21
    • Fixed a bug in the rotate(…) function (elements were moved).
  • 2019-11-19
    • Fixed a bug in the resizeCanvas function; retina resolution was not possible.
  • 2019-11-18 (1.5.0)
    • Added the Triangle class as a direct drawable class to the PlotBoilerplate (was in the demos only before).
    • Added the drawutils.polyline(Vertex[],boolean,color) function.
    • The PlotBoilerplate.add(…) function now works with arrays, too.
    • Added the _handleColor helper function to determine the render color of non-draggable vertices.
    • Fixed the BezierPath.clone function: adjustCircular attribute was not cloned.
    • Added the Vertex.rotate(number,Vertex) function.
    • Added the BezierPath.rotate(number,Vertex) function.
    • Non-draggable vertices are now be excluded by the locateNear(…) function. There is no use locating non-draggable vertcies as they may block underlying draggable vertices.
  • 2019-11-13
    • Fixed an issue with the mouse-sensitive area around vertices (were affected by zoom).
  • 2019-11-07
    • Added Vertex.toSVGString(object) function.
    • Added Polygon.Added toCubicBezierPath(number) function.
    • Added SVG export for postDraw-rendering in the Voronoi demo.
    • Added the ‘Triangle’ style class to the SVGBuilder.
  • 2019-11-06
    • Added fetch.num, fetch.val, fetch.bool, fetch.func functions for easier config props fetching.
  • 2019-10-30
    • Renamed the demo/VertexAnimator to demo/VertexAnimator.Linear.
    • Added a new class demo/VertexAnimator.Cirular.
  • 2019-10-25
    • Added proper JSDoc comments to the Voronoi cell code.
    • Polygons are no longer drawn with dashed lines (solid lines instead).
    • Added the Polygon.scale(number,Vertex) function.
    • Fixed a serious bug in the VoronoiCell.toPathArray function; cell with only one vertex (extreme cases) returned invalid arrays which broke the rendering.
  • 2019-10-03
    • Added the {draw,drawgl}.beginDrawCycle fuction.
  • 2019-09-18
    • Added an experimental GL drawing stub (drawgl).
  • 2019-09-12
    • Added JSDoc compliant comments to the (inofficial) Triangle class.
  • 2019-09-11
    • (Inofficial) Added the Triangle.scaleToCentroid(Number) function (used by the walking triangle demo).
  • 2019-09-02
    • Added the Line.add( Vertex ) function.
    • Added the Vector.perp() function for calculating perpendiculars (required for the upcoming GLSL support).
    • Added the Vector.inverse() function.
    • Added the Line.denominator( Line ) function.
    • Fixed a severe error in the Line.intersection( Line ) function (class Point was renamed to Vertex).
  • 2019-04-28
    • Added Math.round to the dot() drawing parameters to really draw a singlt dot.
    • Added the preClear callback param (called before the canvas was cleared on redraw and before any elements are drawn).
    • Fixed a bug in the Line.sub( Vertex ) function (was not working).
  • 2019-04-27
    • Fixed a severe drawing bug in the arrow(…) function. Scaling arrows did not work properly.
    • Changed the vectorfield demo to a more beautiful one.
    • Watched the ending of star trek discovery when doing that.
  • 2019-04-24
    • Added the Vertex.randomVertex(ViewPort) fuction.
    • Added the VertexAnimator for demos.
  • 2019-04-17
    • Added the PlotBoilerplate.removeVertex(Vertex,boolean) function.
  • 2019-04-16
    • Added the PlotboilerPlate.remove(drawable) function.
    • Added the draw.cubicBezierPath(path,color) function.
    • Added the Voronoi and Delaunay demo.
  • 2019-04-12
    • Added the PlotBoilerplate.drawConfig with ‘drawVerices’ attribute.
    • Extended the gui a bit.
  • 2019-04-11
    • Added the ‘drawGrid’ config param.
    • Added the simple animation demo.
    • Added the PlotBoilerplate.viewport() function.
  • 2019-04-07
    • Re-styled the website, optimized the css, merged jekyll-css with jsdoc-css.
  • 2019-04-03
    • Fixed wrong positioning on touch devices when canvas is not located at (0,0). Touch-drag is now working.
    • Tweaked the fit-to-parent function. This is now working and respecting paddings and borders.
    • Added a fix for Touchy.js: e.preventDefault() to avoid window scrolling during element drag (touch-move).
  • 2019-03-28
    • Mouse wheel zoom now calls e.preventDefault().
    • Added the unminified-webpack-plugin.
    • Removed the overlay-dialog from the plot-boilerplate as it was not used at all.
  • 2019-03-27
    • Renamed the repository from plot-boilerplate to plotboilerplate.
  • 2019-03-25
    • Moved the collection demo scripts to demo/.
  • 2019-03-23
    • Added more JSDoc code.
    • Changed the default value of config param ‘drawOrigin’ to false.
    • Swapped the BezierPath.getPoint and getPointAt to match the semantics with linear interpolation in the Line class. This makes the class incompatible with older versions! Thus: BezierPath version 2.0.
  • 2019-03-20
    • Added JSDoc inline documentation for these classes: Vertex, Line, Vector, VertexAttr, VertexListeners, Polygon.
  • 2019-02-23
    • Removed the ‘rebuild’ function as it had no purpose.
    • Added scaling of the click-/touch-tolerance with the CSS scale.
    • Added the helper function PlotBoilerplate.utils.buildArrowHead(Vertex,Vertex,Number,Number,Number).
    • Added the Vector.toSVGString function, overriding Line.toSVGString.
    • Tweaked the initial vector field demo a little bit (it’s really fancy now but still not yet finished).
  • 2019-02-20
    • Removed the ‘loadFile’ entry from the GUI as it was experimental and never in use.
  • 2019-02-19
    • Added the Vertex.difference(Vertex) function.
    • Put the TouchHandler back because it is badly coded and rubbish. Used Touchy.js instead.
    • Added two new constants: DEFAULT_CLICK_TOLERANCE and DEFAULT_TOUCH_TOLERANCE. Touch devices have larger tolerance now.
    • Added the second param to the locatePointNear(Vertex,Number) function.
  • 2019-02-14
    • Added the console for debugging (setConsole(object)).
  • 2019-02-10
    • Fixed a draggable-bug in PBImage handling (scaling was not possible).
    • Added the ‘enableTouch’ option (default is true).
  • 2019-02-06
    • Vertices (instace of Vertex) can now be added using PlotBoilerplate.add(Object).
    • Added the ‘draggable’ attribute to the vertex attributes.
    • Added the point-to-line distance demo.
  • 2019-02-03
    • Removed the drawBackgroundImage() function, with had no purpose at all. Just add an image to the drawables-list.
  • 2019-02-02
    • Added the ‘canvasWidthFactor’ and ‘canvasHeightFactor’ params.
  • 2019-01-30
    • Fixed the offsetAdjustXPercent and offsetAdjustYPercent bug. They are working properly now.
    • Added the Vector class (subclass of Line).
    • Added the draw.arrow(Vertex,Vertex,color) function for drawing arrow heads.
    • Added the Vertex.setX(Number) and Vertex.setY(Number) functions.
    • Added the PBImage type.
    • Added image rendering.
  • 2019-01-14
    • Added params ‘drawBezierHandleLines’ and ‘drawBezierHandlePoints’.
    • Added the ‘redraw’ param to the add() function.
  • 2018-12-30
    • Added the PlotBoilerplate.RectSelector helper for selecting sub areas of the current plot without interfering with the current plot progress.
  • 2018-12-29
    • Renamed the ‘autoCenterOffset’ param to ‘autoAdjustOffset’.
    • Added the params ‘offsetAdjustXPercent’ and ‘offsetAdjustYPercent’.
  • 2018-12-29
    • Fixed a bug in the Feigenbaum demo: y was plotted inverted.
  • 2018-12-28
    • Removed the unused ‘drawLabel’ param.
    • Added the ‘enableMouse’ and ‘enableKeys’ params.
  • 2018-12-21
    • Added the Vertex.inv() function.
    • Fixed the grid offset problem. Grid is now always drawn in visible center.
    • Logarithmic reduction of the grid is now working.
    • Added a small test case for balanced binary search trees.
    • Refactored the redraw() function into several sub-functions for drawing several elements.
  • 2018-12-20
    • Fixed a bug in the location-transformation (did not consider the CSS scale yet).
  • 2018-12-19
    • Added cssScaling for the canvas. This allows other resolutions than 1:1.
  • 2018-12-18
    • Added the config.redrawOnResize param.
    • Added the config.defaultCanvasWidth and config.defaultCanvasHeight params.
    • Fixed the action bugs for the default overlay buttons (OK and cancel had no action assigned).
    • Added a default function for creating a dat.gui interface.
  • 2018-12-09
    • Minimal zoom is now 0.01.
    • Added Grid.utils.baseLog(Nnumber,Number) and Grid.utils.mapRasterScale(Number,Number).
    • Bézier control points are not selectable any more.
    • Basic SVG export works now.
    • Added toSVGString to VEllipse class.
    • Added to SVGString to Polygon class.
    • Added a Line class.
    • Changed Bézier control points rendering.
    • Added a demo plot: main-feigenbaum.html.
  • 2018-12-06
    • Changed the CTRL key to the ALT key (for panning).
    • Fixed a translate an scale issue in the SVG builder.
    • The constructor’s config-param is in use now.
  • 2018-12-05
    • Added the Vertex.sub(x,y) function.
    • Added the Line class.
    • Moved the demo code (Line, Polygon, Bezier, Circle) to the index.js file.
    • Expanded the Vertex.add(…) function. Now add(number,number) and add(Vertex) are allowed.
  • 2018-12-04
    • Added a simple SVGBuilder.
  • 2018-11-30
    • Added the mouse position display.
  • 2018-11-28
    • Extended the VertexAttr class (extended the event params by the affected vertex).
    • Added BezierPath.locateCurveBy*Point(Vertex) functions.
    • Added the mousewheel listener to the MouseHandler.
    • Added mousewheel zoom.
    • Added the VEllipse (vertex-ellipse) class and ellipse drawing.
    • Added the Grid class.
    • Added the grid() function to the draw class.
  • 2018-11-27
    • Added an attribute model to the VertexAttr class.
    • Changing bezier path points with holding down ‘y’+click is now possible (bezier-autoadjust).
    • Added a new function to the draw class: diamondHandle.
  • 2018-11-20
    • Bézier curve does now auto adjust when dragging path points and control points.
    • BezierPath implementation now support circular paths.
    • Fixed some issues in the dat.gui interface configuration. Axis independent scaling works now.
  • 2018-11-19
    • Re-animated the CubicBezierCurve class and the BezierPath class.
    • Added multi-select and multi-drag option.
    • Made elements selectable (with holding SHIFT).
    • Added panning (move the canvas origin by pressing CTRL and drag).
    • Implemented zoom into dat.gui interface.
  • 2018-11-17
    • Added the Polygon class.
    • Added npm/webpack for compiling and code minification.
  • 2018-11-11
    • Added a simple KeyHandler for receiving key events.
  • 2018-11-10
    • Renamed the js/ direcotory to src/.
  • 2018-11-09
    • Refactored the main script to a class.
  • 2018-10-31
    • Added the Vertex class from an older project.
    • Added the VertexAttr class (not yet in use).
    • Added the VertexListeners class (not yet in use).
    • Added the MouseListener from an older project.
    • Can drag vertices around now.
  • 2018-10-23
    • Init.