Source: utils/helpers/BezierPathInteractionHelper.js

"use strict";
 * @classdesc A helper for adding vertices to and remove vertices from Bézier paths.
 * By default the 'delete' key is used to remove vertices or paths.
 * @requires AlloyFinger
 * @requires BezierPath
 * @requires CubicBezierPath
 * @requires KeyHandler
 * @requires MouseHandler
 * @requires PlotBoilerplate
 * @requires VertEvent
 * @requires Vertex
 * @requires XMouseEvent
 * @requires XYCoords
 * @author   Ikaros Kappler
 * @date     2020-07-31
 * @modified 2020-08-03 Ported this class from vanilla JS to Typescript.
 * @modified 2020-08-12 Added a distance check before handling the click/tap event.
 * @version  1.0.1
 * @file BezierPathInteractionHelper
 * @public
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var alloyfinger_1 = require("alloyfinger"); // node_modules
var BezierPath_1 = require("../../BezierPath");
var KeyHandler_1 = require("../../KeyHandler");
var MouseHandler_1 = require("../../MouseHandler");
var PlotBoilerplate_1 = require("../../PlotBoilerplate");
var Vertex_1 = require("../../Vertex");
var BezierPathInteractionHelper = /** @class */ (function () {
     * Pre: all paths must have been added to the PlotBoilerplate's drawable buffer (use the add(Drawable) function).
     * The move callback accepts four params:
     *   * The point on the closest curve (Vertex)
     *   * The mouse or touch position (Vertex)
     *   * The curve position (float t)
     *   * The curve index on the array (integer)
     * @constructor
     * @name BezierPathInteractionHelper
     * @param {PlotBoilerplate} pb
     * @param {Array<BezierPath>} paths
     * @param {boolean} options.autoAdjustPaths - If true then inner path points will be auto-adjusted to keep the curve smooth.
     * @param {boolean} options.allowPathRemoval - If true then full paths can be removed (by removing selected vertices).
     * @param {number} maxDetectDistance - The max detection distance. No events will be fired if the mouse/touch pointer is outside this range (default is Number.MAX_VALUE).
     * @param {function(number,Vertex,Vertex,number)} options.onPointerMoved (pathIndex,pathPoint,pointer,t)
     * @param {function(number,number,BezierPath,BezierPath)} options.onVertexInserted (pathIndex,insertIndex,newPath,oldPath)
     * @param {function(number,number[],BezierPath,BezierPath)} options.onVerticesDeleted (pathIndex,removedVertexIndices,newPath,oldPath)
     * @param {function(number,BezierPath)} options.onPathRemoved (pathIndex,oldPath)
    function BezierPathInteractionHelper(pb, paths, options) {
        options = options || {};
        this.pb = pb;
        this.paths = [];
        this.onPointerMoved = options.onPointerMoved || function (i, a, b, t) { };
        this.onVertexInserted = options.onVertexInserted || function (i, j, n, o) { };
        this.onVerticesDeleted = options.onVerticesDeleted || function (i, r, n, o) { },
            this.onPathRemoved = options.onPathRemoved || function (i, o) { };
        this.autoAdjustPaths = typeof options.autoAdjustPaths == 'boolean' ? options.autoAdjustPaths : true;
        this.allowPathRemoval = typeof options.allowPathRemoval == 'boolean' ? options.allowPathRemoval : true;
        this.maxDetectDistance = typeof options.maxDetectDistance == 'number' ? options.maxDetectDistance : Number.MAX_VALUE;
        this.mouseIsOver = false;
        this.currentPathIndex = -1;
        this.currentDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE;
        this.currentT = 0.0;
        this.currentA = new Vertex_1.Vertex(0, 0); // Position on the curve
        this.currentB = new Vertex_1.Vertex(0, 0); // Mouse/Touch position
        // Rebuild the array to avoid outside manipulations.
        for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
        this._keyHandler = this._installKeyListener();
        // Paths might have changed by auto-adjustment.
        if (this.autoAdjustPaths)
     * Manually add a path to this helper.
     * Note that if `autoAdjustPaths==true` then listeners will be installed to the path's vertices to
     * keep the path smooth at all times.
     * @method addPath
     * @instance
     * @memberof BezierPathInteractionHelper
     * @param {BezierPath} path - The path to add.
     * @return {boolean} Duplicate path instances cannot be added; function will return false if path already exists.
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype.addPath = function (path) {
        var pathIndex = this._locatePath(path);
        if (pathIndex != -1)
            return false;
        if (this.autoAdjustPaths)
        return true;
     * Manually remove a path from this helper.
     * Note that this method ignores the `allowPathRemoval` option.
     * @method removePath
     * @instance
     * @memberof BezierPathInteractionHelper
     * @param {BezierPath} path - The path to remove.
     * @return {boolean} Returns false if the path could not be found.
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype.removePath = function (path) {
        var pathIndex = this._locatePath(path);
        if (pathIndex == -1)
            return false;
        return true;
     * Remove the path at the given index.
     * @method removePathAt
     * @instance
     * @memberof BezierPathInteractionHelper
     * @param {number} pathIndex - The index of the path (must be inside bounds, see `this.paths` array).
     * @return {void}
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype.removePathAt = function (pathIndex) {
        var path = this.paths[pathIndex];
        this.paths = this.paths.filter(function (value, index) { return (index != pathIndex); });
        this.pb.remove(path, false, true); // Remove with vertices
        this.onPathRemoved(pathIndex, path);
     * Update the inner status by running the distance calculation again with the current settings.
     * Call this if any of the properties changed (like maxDetecDistance).
     * @method update
     * @instance
     * @memberof BezierPathInteractionHelper
     * @return {void}
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype.update = function () {
        // Just re-run the calculation with the recent mouse/touch position
        this._handleMoveEvent(this.currentB.x, this.currentB.y);
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | A helper function to locate a given path instance inside the array.
    // |
    // | @return The index of the path or -1 if not found.
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._locatePath = function (path) {
        for (var i = 0; i < this.paths.length; i++) {
            if (this.paths[i] == path)
                return i;
        return -1;
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | Handle deletion of any selecte vertex and/or paths.
    // | Note that this function will trigger a `redraw`.
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._handleDelete = function () {
        var pathDeleteIndices = this._handleSingleVertexDelete();
        // Remove enqueued paths
        if (this.allowPathRemoval) {
            // Remove paths starting with the last (!) index.
            for (var i = pathDeleteIndices.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | This function removes all selected vertices on the paths without deleting
    // | full paths (at least two path vertices remaining).
    // |
    // | Returned (sorted) array contains indices of those paths that should
    // | be deleted completely.
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._handleSingleVertexDelete = function () {
        // Check all path points (on all paths) for deletion.
        // Note: whole paths are not meant to be removed this way.
        //       Keep track of their indices (ascending order) for later removal.
        var pathDeleteIndices = [];
        for (var p = 0; p < this.paths.length; p++) {
            var allVerticesSelected = this._handleDeleteOnPath(p);
            if (allVerticesSelected)
        return pathDeleteIndices;
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | This function removes all selected vertices on the given path (index)
    // | without deleting the full path (at least two path vertices remaining).
    // |
    // | Returns true if path should be fully removed, false otherwise.
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._handleDeleteOnPath = function (pathIndex) {
        var path = this.paths[pathIndex];
        var newCurves = [];
        var deletedVertIndices = [];
        // Find first non-selected path point
        var curveIndex = 0;
        while (curveIndex < path.bezierCurves.length && path.bezierCurves[curveIndex].startPoint.attr.isSelected) {
        // All points selected? Enqueue for deletion.
        if (curveIndex == path.bezierCurves.length) {
            // Indicate: path removal required.
            return true;
        // Only keep those curves that have no selected path point (=delete selected)
        var curStart = path.bezierCurves[curveIndex].startPoint;
        var curStartControl = path.bezierCurves[curveIndex].startControlPoint;
        for (var i = curveIndex; i < path.bezierCurves.length; i++) {
            if (!path.bezierCurves[i].endPoint.attr.isSelected) {
                if (i + 1 < path.bezierCurves.length) {
                    curStart = path.bezierCurves[i].endPoint;
                    curStartControl = path.bezierCurves[i + 1].startControlPoint;
            else {
        // Do not remove the whole path.
        // Do not replace the path if no vertices were deleted.
        if (newCurves.length != 0 && newCurves.length != path.bezierCurves.length) {
            var newPath = BezierPath_1.BezierPath.fromArray(newCurves);
            var oldPath = this.paths[pathIndex];
            this._replacePathAt(pathIndex, newPath);
            this.onVerticesDeleted(pathIndex, deletedVertIndices, newPath, oldPath);
            // Indicate: no path removal required
            return false;
        else {
            // Indicate full path removal if no curve would be left.
            return newCurves.length == 0;
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | This function replaces a path at the given index with a new one (after change
    // | of vertex count).
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._replacePathAt = function (pathIndex, newPath) {
        var oldPath = this.paths[pathIndex];
        this.pb.remove(oldPath, false, true); // Remove with vertices
        this.paths[pathIndex] = newPath;
        // Replace path inside the array with the new path
        // this._addDefaultPathListeners( newPath );
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | Touch and mouse events should call this fuction when the pointer was moved.
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._handleMoveEvent = function (posX, posY) {
        var point = this.pb.transformMousePosition(posX, posY);
        // Always fire even if nothing visually changed?
        // console.log( this.currentDistance, this.maxDetectDistance, this.mouseIsOver );
        if ((this.currentDistance <= this.maxDetectDistance && this.mouseIsOver)
            && this.pb.getDraggedElementCount() == 0) {
            this.onPointerMoved(this.currentPathIndex, this.currentA, this.currentB, this.currentT);
        else {
            this.onPointerMoved(-1, null, null, 0.0);
        // Always redraw even when moving outside the detection distance?
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | This is called when the mouse pointer leaves the canvas or
    // | when the touch progress ends.
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._clearMoveEvent = function () {
        this.onPointerMoved(-1, null, null, 0.0);
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | Called once upon initialization.
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._installTouchListener = function () {
        var _self = this;
        new alloyfinger_1.AlloyFinger(this.pb.canvas, {
            // Todo: which event types does AlloyFinger use?
            touchStart: function (e) {
                _self.mouseIsOver = true;
            touchMove: function (e) {
                if (_self.pb.getDraggedElementCount() == 0 && e.touches.length > 0) {
                    // console.log('touchmove');
                    _self._handleMoveEvent(e.touches[0].clientX, e.touches[0].clientY);
            touchEnd: function (e) {
                _self.mouseIsOver = false;
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | Called once upon initialization.
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._installMouseListener = function () {
        var _self = this;
        new MouseHandler_1.MouseHandler(this.pb.canvas)
            .up(function (e) {
            if (e.params.wasDragged)
            if (_self._keyHandler.isDown('shift'))
            if (_self.currentDistance > _self.maxDetectDistance || !_self.mouseIsOver)
            var path = _self.paths[_self.currentPathIndex];
            var vertex = _self.pb.getVertexNear(e.params.pos, PlotBoilerplate_1.PlotBoilerplate.DEFAULT_CLICK_TOLERANCE);
            if (vertex)
            // Check if there is already a path point at the given split position
            var pathPoint = path.getPointAt(_self.currentT);
            var pointNear = _self.pb.getVertexNear(_self.pb.revertMousePosition(pathPoint.x, pathPoint.y), 6.0);
            // console.log( "pathPoint", pathPoint, pointNear );
            if (pointNear) {
                for (var i = 0; i < path.bezierCurves.length; i++) {
                    if (path.bezierCurves[i].startPoint.distance(pointNear) <= 6.0 || path.bezierCurves[i].endPoint.distance(pointNear) <= 6.0) {
                        // console.log("There is already a path point near this position.");
            //console.log('Inserting vertex at', _self.currentT );
            var leftPath = path.getSubPathAt(0.0, _self.currentT);
            var rightPath = path.getSubPathAt(_self.currentT, 1.0);
            var newCurves = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < leftPath.bezierCurves.length; i++) {
            for (var i = 0; i < rightPath.bezierCurves.length; i++) {
            var newPath = BezierPath_1.BezierPath.fromArray(newCurves);
            var oldPath = _self.paths[_self.currentPathIndex];
            _self._replacePathAt(_self.currentPathIndex, newPath);
            _self.onVertexInserted(_self.currentPathIndex, leftPath.bezierCurves.length, newPath, oldPath);
            .move(function (e) {
            // console.log('moved');
            // if( _self.pb.getDraggedElementCount() == 0 )
            _self.mouseIsOver = true;
            _self._handleMoveEvent(e.params.pos.x, e.params.pos.y);
        _self.pb.canvas.addEventListener('mouseenter', function () {
            _self.mouseIsOver = true;
        _self.pb.canvas.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () {
            _self.mouseIsOver = false;
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | Called once upon initialization.
    // |
    // | @return {KeyHandler}
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._installKeyListener = function () {
        var _self = this;
        return new KeyHandler_1.KeyHandler({ trackAll: true })
            .down('delete', function () {
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | Adds vertex listeners to all path points.
    // |
    // | @param {BezierPath} path - The path to add vertex listeners to.
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._addDefaultPathListeners = function (path) {
        BezierPathInteractionHelper.addPathVertexDragListeners(path, this._updateMinDistance);
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | Removes vertex listeners from all path points.
    // |
    // | @param {BezierPath} path - The path to remove vertex listeners from.
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._removeDefaultPathListeners = function (path) {
        BezierPathInteractionHelper.removePathVertexDragListeners(path, this._updateMinDistance);
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | Update the min distance from point `line.b` to the curve. And redraw.
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.prototype._updateMinDistance = function () {
        if (this.paths.length == 0)
        var pathIndex = -1;
        var minDist = Number.MAX_VALUE;
        var closestPoint = null;
        var closestT = 0.0;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.paths.length; i++) {
            var path = this.paths[i];
            var t = path.getClosestT(this.currentB);
            var point = path.getPointAt(t);
            var dist = point.distance(this.currentB);
            if (dist < minDist) {
                pathIndex = i;
                minDist = dist;
                closestT = t;
                closestPoint = point;
        this.currentT = closestT;
        this.currentPathIndex = pathIndex;
        this.currentDistance = minDist;
    // +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // | Sets all vertices on the given path to `bezierAutoAdjust=true`.
    // |
    // | @static 
    // +-------------------------------
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.setPathAutoAdjust = function (path) {
        for (var i = 0; i < path.bezierCurves.length; i++) {
            var curve = path.bezierCurves[i];
            path.adjustPredecessorControlPoint(i, true, // obtainHandleLength
            false // updateArcLength  (we will do this after the loop)
            if (i > 0 || path.adjustCircular)
                curve.startPoint.attr.bezierAutoAdjust = true;
     * A helper function to add drag listeners to all vertices of the given path.
     * @static
     * @method addPathVertexDragListeners
     * @memberof BezierPathInteractionHelper
     * @param {BezierPath} path - The Bézier path to add vertex listeners to.
     * @param {function} vertexDragListener - The drag listeners to add to each path vertex.
     * @return void
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.addPathVertexDragListeners = function (path, vertexDragListener) {
        for (var i = 0; i < path.bezierCurves.length; i++) {
            var curve = path.bezierCurves[i];
            if (i + 1 == path.bezierCurves.length && !path.adjustCircular)
     * A helper function to remove drag listeners to all vertices of the given path.
     * @static
     * @method removePathVertexDragListeners
     * @memberof BezierPathInteractionHelper
     * @param {BezierPath} path - The Bézier path to remove vertex listeners from.
     * @param {function} vertexDragListener - The drag listeners to remove from each path vertex.
     * @return void
    BezierPathInteractionHelper.removePathVertexDragListeners = function (path, vertexDragListener) {
        for (var i = 0; i < path.bezierCurves.length; i++) {
            var curve = path.bezierCurves[i];
            if (i + 1 == path.bezierCurves.length && !path.adjustCircular)
    return BezierPathInteractionHelper;
exports.BezierPathInteractionHelper = BezierPathInteractionHelper;