This is just for the backdrop-filter vaules (CSS after effects filters). They are not directly used by PB but can be passed through by the config/params.

interface CSSBackdropFilterParams {
    blur?: number;
    brightness?: number;
    contrast?: number;
    dropShadow?: number;
    dropShadowColor?: string;
    effectFilterColor?: string;
    grayscale?: number;
    hueRotate?: number;
    invert?: number;
    isBackdropFiltersEnabled?: boolean;
    isBlurEnabled?: boolean;
    isBrightnessEnabled?: boolean;
    isContrastEnabled?: boolean;
    isDropShadowEnabled?: boolean;
    isEffectsColorEnabled?: boolean;
    isGrayscaleEnabled?: boolean;
    isHueRotateEnabled?: boolean;
    isInvertEnabled?: boolean;
    isOpacityEnabled?: boolean;
    isSaturateEnabled?: boolean;
    isSepiaEnabled?: boolean;
    opacity?: number;
    saturate?: number;
    sepia?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


blur?: number
brightness?: number
contrast?: number
dropShadow?: number
dropShadowColor?: string
effectFilterColor?: string
grayscale?: number
hueRotate?: number
invert?: number
isBackdropFiltersEnabled?: boolean
isBlurEnabled?: boolean
isBrightnessEnabled?: boolean
isContrastEnabled?: boolean
isDropShadowEnabled?: boolean
isEffectsColorEnabled?: boolean
isGrayscaleEnabled?: boolean
isHueRotateEnabled?: boolean
isInvertEnabled?: boolean
isOpacityEnabled?: boolean
isSaturateEnabled?: boolean
isSepiaEnabled?: boolean
opacity?: number
saturate?: number
sepia?: number